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Reviews for "Manga Fighter"

great job! Just one suggestion

Awesome to see another anime/manga game! You did a really professional job on the graphics, and I applaud you for that. There's just one thing, and maybe I'm missing something, but, as I understand it, you're not supposed to hit your own character, and if you do you lose one life. BUT, if you don't hit it, he/she will shoot at you! Oh, and also, I tried dodging with the spacebar, but I still kept getting hit, though that may just be due to my lack-o-skill. So, anyway, it seems like a lose-lose situation unless you dodge the bullet, which I couldn't. Was this an intended dynamic of the game, or something maybe you could fix?
Either way, good job on the game overall.

Well this was a fun game, simple, easy to play... I was expecting something different from the Fighter title though, something involving fists, kicks, martial arts you know? So that was a bit misleading, but it's still fun, keep it going!


make improvements

this game is alright but put improvements like you shoot baddies then move to next area then attacked by boss you know that kind of stuff since your game is a bit dull


For one it's not in Manga style, it's in Anime style
and you gotta get rid of that baby music!!! >.<

Like you had a good idea but it's not Manga fighter,
it's an Anime Target Game

It's an ok game and all, but it's kinda dull

cool one

that was a nice game. it was more anime then manga, was a little easy... and the music wasn't very good in this one, but it was quite fun to play, good graphics in it and your efforts were nice.... though i do advise changing the audio in this one.