Woohoo another deffence game, BUT.......
I love deffence games, i truly do. And you have done a good job on it but, (here comes the thunder):
1: The sound. Irritating as ****. No way of turning it of and it loopes til you puke. Fix it, make it longer, or make a musik mute or next somewhere. Ohh and there is no sound on the turrets or the explosion, Maby a good thing.
2:The turrets. 1 Turret. well its easyer and dont get complicated, but how do i know the power of the tower? the range system is good. But there is no Indication of how much my tower does in dmg, or how far i can uppgrade it. And the uppgrades yes. Only for power and range, no increas of the money it costs. And why not have a pure Turret upgrade instead. like increas the range power AND speed of the turrets bullets or shooting speed. Or seperate uppgrades. but with the money increas for each lvl.
3: the mobs. Yes you got the health bar right. lovley. But where is the fun in killing just the same old face over and over again. There are lots of other things (ofc if you have the time) you can make. Like tanks ppl etc. Bosses and harder mobs. makes it all more fun.
4: The next wave button. Its bugged. You have to make it next wave IF all other mobs are dead. or else it bugges the mobs abit. But still you have it and its a point.
5: Programming. Well i cant say to much about it. More or less NO programming skill. only a small quiz i have made. But it seems good. the movment and all looks great. The bullets eaven go in a streight line, not like other def games that do dmg purly to the mob, and cant miss. Point.
6: Texture. ginda sucked, to be true. the road could be bigger, nothing fancy but it just didnt doit.
7: Placement of turrets. You can place em all over. and if you didnt hold the mouse click they would end up at the bottum of the screen. not fun. dont make it on Click Release. dont remember the code for it.
Else i cant come up with. right now. I like to see you put a bit more effernt in to it. it could be a great game. A superb game. So keep the good work going, and dont come to me for help cuz i suck, yeye. =P
Have fun