I love this flash. I've had it favorited forever, and I didn't want to comment until I saw the comment two below mine. I'll save you the trouble on this one.
tjlemke, your arrogance is hysterical. You acuse him of not having a life, but brag about being a vet? It's like the pot calling the kettle black, and then bragging about being black. In laymen's terms (i.e. YOU), you don't know what you're talking about, and nobody cares about bragging on the internet.
Yes, falcon is mostly trash in Brawl. I personally like him to be honest, and there are more moves to him than his awesome knee (although it's just harder to do now). That said, I have no doubt that the author is good with MOST of the other characters too. To say you're better than him because he made a funny parody about the most one-sided tactic out there is just ignorant.
It's like being the guy who doesn't get the joke. At the time of writing this, over 5000 people voted on this flash, and it's currently rated over a 4.05. Congrats on being the 1 in 5000 voters who is incapable of detecting humor.
For the record, sarcasm is EASIEST detected in vocal patterns. If you can't read into sarcasm you not only lack depth, but you lack the ability to perceive irony, double entendres, patterns, and therefore a sense of humor. Come back when you have more than ten brain cells. Have a good day.
Thanks for the great flash by the way Afro, I always love your work.