Metallica would be proud
That was some quality guitar work, really enjoyed it. As long as you stick to good music (No Rush) you have a great thing going.
Metallica would be proud
That was some quality guitar work, really enjoyed it. As long as you stick to good music (No Rush) you have a great thing going.
I was really inpressed whith the guitar and the likeness of the song it was going to.
I sae the last one
I did, and I thought it kind of sucked, but this one is alot better, more tweaks and stuff like that, very well synced too!
Groundbreaking work? Needs more realistic physics.
My summary pretty much says it all. I don't think I've ever seen anything like this before -- but I want to see more now! My biggest problem was that the fingers could've been animated better, the slightly low FPS hurt the film in some places, and strings barely vibrate above where the finger's placed. If you fixed all those you'd get a 10/10.
Oh, and maybe a whole band?
I'd love to see YYZ, or any Rush really. Start taking requests now and you could become big. You've hit a goldmine of potential Deathstrom45.
I was under the impression that above where ur finger is pressed on the fret that the string SHOULD barely vibrate lol... oh well
That was sweet!
That was very good. The only way to make it better would be to have the whole song on there with the whole band. Also, the fingers needed a little work, but over all, very nice!