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Reviews for "MsnMessengerClock?"

Go MSNmessengerClock, GO!!!

Thanks for voting, Wheatonman! (Look at me, I'm like ki1o, only cooler!!!)
Your vote was worth 6.36 votes. The more experience points you have, the more your vote is worth!

You gave this entry a 5, raising its score to 1.90!

PimpMasterKDOG responds:

Well, it looks like MsnMessengerClock has his first fan. He truly appreciates your vote.

You have no idea how funny this...

You are so totally in the clock crew, Kevin... I mean, PimpMasterKDOG...

PimpMasterKDOG responds:

Ummmm....who is Kevin? Anyways, MsnMessengerClock is very delighted that he got a review from you, OrangeClock. Does this mean that he is REALLY a part of the ClockCrew now?

Very cute!

It's just really cute, I liked it. Sort of a cool idea too.

Msn messenger clock would be great

any recriuts for msn messenger clock?


W00!!!!!!!THAT was......um.......cool...i-Guess?