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Reviews for "X-Dodge 2"

OK, but buggy

Good concept. But quite buggy, the collision detection is off a tad too. No variation does mean that it gets repetitive quickly. Could be a speed power-up or a freeze enemies power-up. I reached the large balck hole and hit an enemy at the same time. So the game system confused itself and when I pressed space, I dissapeared :(

ok, afew faults though

i liked the concept, but you could hit the dots without toucjing them, also you should let the shinkidge bar be filled up a bit when you complete a level and it would br nice it u could stop, instead of u keeping on going also get better qulity fire!! XP

Great game

It's cool, but faster=better.

heck, better than anything i could make!

i applaud your attempt, i like the games style! it's just that you could do with a bit more on the levels, such as making different obsticales, or a maze-like area. just sugesstions; after all, "expierence is gained through failure". nice creativity also, i dont recall playing any games like this one!

That was fun

That was a good game. I liked it. 8/10, 4/5