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Reviews for "12 Bar Blues Boogie"

thats good

the 12 bar blues is the tonic then the subdominant and then the dominant.
this what you are playing is a 12 bar blues bass line.
good for a 12 bar blues bass line

Nice harmonica

oh this was something differant, you dont normally hear a "HARMONICA" and while it was not perfect by any means it was still clear and sharp sounding, the quality could be better just a tad, and as a suggestion of improving the tune you can add and mix some backround effects to go with it and ultimatly turning it into a song, but from what you do have here, its pretty good and i rather enjoyed this piece.

improving the tune you can add and mix some backround effects to go with it and ultimatly turning it into a song



Good flute loop, you just need to make it longer