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Reviews for "Super Mouse Game 3"

I like it

Addictive and Challenging

Flashsubmit responds:

Thanks alot

Nice one

The style in the game is simple and I like that. But I'm always trying to find weak spots in games and there is plenty in this one.

1: I noticed when I sometimes moved my mouse outside the lines I losed one life and when I moved my mouse back in I losed another life. Try to fix that.
2: You can simply play the movie to jump to the next level. You can fix this by put all your levels in a Move Clip.
3: If you drag the mouse fast enough through the walls you don't lose lifes. You can fix this by making invisible lines you have to hover on or make the walls thicker.
4: If you rightclick and open the menu, you can move around without loosing any life, and when you reach your goal you can rightclick again.

But all of this is cheating. Otherwise good job!

Flashsubmit responds:

Thanks ill try to fix that as i get better at action scripting


Maybe a bit TOO challenging. It's not anything brand new or anything. And the music starts running over when u replay.

Flashsubmit responds:

ok thanks, i don't know how to fix the music

Not Bad, but don't forget the right-click cheat!

There is a way to disable this ability. But yours is pretty good, I like the music too! Perhaps if there was a reward at the end to encourage people to play more. For example, H Games allow nudie pics while others reveal seccret cheats to other games you make. In either case these mouse games provide constant re-trying if the motivation to do so is there.

Flashsubmit responds:

ok, i don't think ill be having nude pics, but ill learn how to do passwords so i have those in my other upcoming games.


Very simple,you can hack through the game.While making a small game like this,think in doing somethin' different,like moving walls,challenges,password,and a cheat protection(I mean the right click).
I'm not trying to talk bad about you,I'm just giving some suggestions.