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Reviews for "Scary Page"

LoVe It!!!!

Very cool i must say, love the voice. You really need to link you address so people do not have to write it, this way you get more hits!:) apart from that cool!!, can't wait to see the 2nd one, do not keep me waiting

Except for Nazism, Slavery, Communism and Facism, war never solved anything

Avenar responds:

done and done. Thanks for the advice!

loved it!

Very true and funny! I definetly hope to see more!

Avenar responds:

you bet, expect more awesome very soon.


Fantastic! very funny man! You need to keep making those! I gave you 5.


that was friggin awesome.

I be seeing those ads all the time!

I never went to one of them. I was always wondering what happens when you click on them. This deserves a Vote 5!