Finally someone feels my pain! Great job!
Finally someone feels my pain! Great job!
that is sooo true!!
faved! I mean, yah! my cosuins don't watch cartoons anymore unless it's family guy
and I mean I am getting SICK of movies and shows with nuttin' but older teens! I'm 13 and I love animation and some people forgot what triditional animation looks like until the simpsons movie came ou! go figure, right?
Nice Parody
I hated disney since they dropped the original cartoons and Started teen crap... Basically Disney seems 2 get more pesparate for shows so they'll take whatever they can get... and I hate channels that are not true to their motto/name! G4 shows also reality instead of Just games (Bring Back Tech TV!!!) Sc-fi shows ECW (sorry wrestling fans I guess If it's on SCi-Fi, It must be Science Fiction) Cartoon Network and toon disney show Live Action (Real People on tv) and MTV,MTV2, VH1, VH1 Classic, MTV3 Show anytihng BUT MUSIC VIDEOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!! F*** them All I'm watching Comedy Central (the only channel that Kept It's Promise) Good Flash. Hope My rant Brightened some1's Day LOL
go you
10 stars for hating disney =P good movie overall tho i thought it was funny near the end
Very Funny
Actually jetix converted on disney´s garbage can, at least with disney XD they will upload it a little instead of showing only bad shows than got cut... but I´m sad they didn´t made more shows like kim possible or jake long... Lizzie McGuire was good... now they make just random cartoons and teen shows... but they are still better than nickelodeon´s shows... and those cartoon network live actions (no sense there)...
I loved duck tales yay