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Reviews for "DailyLifeOfACrazyStick"


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THAT WAS FUNNY HOW HE WINKED AT ME!!! AND I LIKE HOW ur background changes dur to the fact you are to lazy to draw the box the whole way around the stage...

lol.. not bad man!

keep up yer no style yo!
that style there isnt bad! give it some time and it'll really come thru for ya!


this is ok except for the sound. i can expect this person to make alot of good movies in the future. and it was a brave idea to have sutch an unused graphics type. but to be onest it sucked.


the graphics are made to do the story, they are great even if not 3D


Dude........ It looks like you did the whole thing using paint. Which isnt bad, I guess... It really needs some sound, Its really creepy with no sound.......too quiet. Otherwize not bad,