your defininitly a skilled artist but you should add more to the flash its just too small so make it bigger and then resubmitt :)
your defininitly a skilled artist but you should add more to the flash its just too small so make it bigger and then resubmitt :)
it is way to short to be a drawing tut but it does show how but 3.1 megabytes for this lol im thinking wtf no possible way you need to cover everything for it to be a pro... 3d texture muscles body lines face hands torso legs arms actual shading (darken the parts in the back lighter in front) feets then also clothing armor weapons straps everything this gets only 4/10
Seriously don't make a fake preloader get a real one because it's really bad to let audience think it's really loaded and playable since it can't beplayed after "loaded"
So, i suggest you to get the newgrounds preloader if you don't have one :)
Tutorial Spoof?
I really hope this was a joke.. becuse if it was serious then it was really bad..
On the other hand if it was satirical then i guess it was kinda funny.. but you could use more of a punch... line.
To everyone. This is just a joke, don't take it seriously.
Well, it's not actually a joke, it's just lame, but don't even think this is a true tutorial, he was just spamming the site.