very nice. I like the fact that you can make your own songs and all, Ive never seen it done like that in flash b4, so Im givin you a 5/5 for that. Unfortunately didn't hold my attention for very long =/ there was just something missing.
very nice. I like the fact that you can make your own songs and all, Ive never seen it done like that in flash b4, so Im givin you a 5/5 for that. Unfortunately didn't hold my attention for very long =/ there was just something missing.
Thankyou for making my day.
And using one of my songs in this...that was one of the greatest things you could ahve done for me. Thankyou so much n.n!
A glitch:The beggening of time and free falling play together
not mindblowing
but a very good first try at flash and worth a vote of 5.good job, give it 3 moe flashes and you could be the next king of the portal
Great Idea
i like the idea ... plus you used my fav song the beginning of time so that got you 5/10 alone lol. I'm not sure how you could do a better interface but you need a way to listen to the music at the same time record the buttons at that particular part of the song that way people can make their own things much easier... maybe even be able to export it into your own code for your game then people can share their combinations with eachotehr