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Reviews for ".: Skyfaller :."


liked it, the graphices could have been smotther, but WTH its a good game! voted 5.

not bad....

not bad at all. In fact, Its another GOOD stick flashs in a while...

Pretty cool

I'm not really a fan in stck figures but this one is really good. Although simple it is a great game. Hope to see more games like this, keep em' comming.

good but simple

cant really say what to improve because im not totaly sure, theres just something its missing to throw it over the edge from good to great. ive added it to favs because its good if ur bored as hell and want a fun but not to involved game.

Not bad.

Pretty good, fun and stuff.
One question.
When you die, that thud and scream noise you hear sounds like the noise when you kill one of the bad guys from one of the Ratchet and Clank games.
Is it?

StupidAnimator responds:

Uhh I wouldn't be able to tell you for sure, I got the sound from FlashKit.com.

The file itself is titled falling.mp3 though.