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Reviews for "WallzitXtreme"

nice expliotation

i liked this movie because you made it like commercials are made these days...the words at the end you can even begin to understand because they say them so fast like the medicine commercial's side effects...good job

SketchClock responds:

Why thank you good man.


nice movie, well designed, and also it had a fun story, (the story of you making fun of a user named spark? into getting the idae that a product might exist, which maybe will exist) but raelly, whats the point

SketchClock responds:

What you said is the point. Also thanks.

eh...it was alright

but why was sparkwatt rejected?

Hey sorry you spelled my name wrong.

First off don't make a flash of hate unless you have good material too back it up.
Second do you think that any clocks care about this? Most would not.

Oh and if you said made by the clockcrew you must be joking. I know no one who would step to this low.

Anyways your flash needs work, maybe add a story, or make something less seizure inducing. Obviously you need to check your info buddy, for example i did not create the crew cause the clockcrew did not like me (most clocks like me), I created it cause my NG pals had garbage whistles. Oh and way to go to try making a flash which needs a story, and makes no sense.

SketchClock responds:

It's not a hate flash. It is a true story that happened on the CC.


Ok, if you are going to make a hate flash at least put some effort into it. Maybe a plot or something. Kinda pointless actually. What you made, didn't make sense. Some product that does virtually nothing. Please improve on your flash.

SketchClock responds:

Se below.