A Great Movie
THis movie is Great, the graphics are very good and it's very Funny, I love the NES movies like this and this one is no dissapointment a must watch!
A Great Movie
THis movie is Great, the graphics are very good and it's very Funny, I love the NES movies like this and this one is no dissapointment a must watch!
love it
that is a sweet movie. anything with nintendo is fuckin great!
Super Cool
THis movie is super funny and super cool, and a note to the last reviewer, that backdrop was from River City Ransom NOT Double Dragon you idiot, the back drop was from a level called "Sherman Park" but obviously you never played this classic NEs game or you'd know that. Anyway THis movie is definatly worth your time PEACE!
Any thing with river city ransom in it, that is the true NES game! i remember playing that back when i was 8, man that was long ago. But why didnt you keep the real music from the game? Thanks for keeping the real back ground though! Any ways good job keep on making more!
I like it