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Reviews for "Conditions2: Consequences"

Loved it!

Wow I can tell this seriers is going to be really great. I loved this flash, the style of it was just bad ass, and I liked the animation. STill keep it up, and can't wait to see more! :]

great job

I really enjoyed it. Though you didn't mention the other characters in the credits. :p I also did the criminal, Red, the Chief, and the other cop who went "What?" haha.

Great job, I really liked it. It came together well. I only wish you hadn't used my audition and let me re-record the lines so I could really make sure they sounded much different from each other. That's alright. Hope to work with you again sometime.

DJJ-asshole responds:

Sorry, I was to eager to submit my flash...

Don't worry, Red will appear in further episodes!


Good story line very good graphics. i have to say way better then the first. you are a good flash creator and i hope to see more in the future. the glove wepon you made up in your mind is brilliant. you have a good mind for making flashes.

How bout some equivalent exchange?

Does the device follow those rules?

He shoulda got his wife back by using his brains.

im keeping up with these episodes

i like the story
i like the ideas
im liking everything about it