Interesting game.
I know now why you have the submarine rotate-to give the game more strategy.
anyways, good game
Interesting game.
I know now why you have the submarine rotate-to give the game more strategy.
anyways, good game
Nice game
Great game and fun to play. I thought the storyline was comical and the whole thing was put together nicely.
Really quite good
In the first level, I was thinking, "What the heck is the point of the rotation? This is gonna be sooooo easy." Nope. Clever way to make that into the pivotal element of the game. Pretty original, as wall avoiders go. I liked the style in your drawings, and I think the success scene added a lot to the levels. Nice job. The only thing I would ask for is that it be able to save progress so one can come back to it.
pretty fun.
Level 6 is glitched. Some of the corners on the first squares will cause you to break, however you cannot see them.
not bad...
its ok... but why is my submarine rotating crazily??? i understand its the idea of the game but still silly.
And putting a cork ?? and bigger than my sub????
It would have been a lot better if the sub was an astronaut in a space station for example