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Reviews for "the junior skater comp"

Good luck.

I gave you 5/5 and 10/10 for your first because it was not a stick movie, had decent voices and properly attempted drawing.
Good work.


Good first submission

Good for a first flash, and with encouragement we'll hopefully see more in the future. I was happy to contribute my voice, and will be more than willing to do future submissions. Keep it up!

titan210 responds:

thanks everybody for your reviews
and by the way BMack24 i didn't do the voice acting =P Reputator did

5/5 9/10 Good.

Quite good for your first, make the animation faster and add a few more frames. :D


That was great! Especially for a first flash, I'm looking forward to more stuff by you.

Great first prod

Has a beginning, middle and end and decent voice acting - all the ingredients for good storytelling. Best of luck for the future.