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Reviews for "Snake Game (improved)"


i dont know or care about anything you stole, so i wont judge on it it is unfair to give some1 a bad review for something that has nothing to do with his current artwork, as far as the game, sname never gets old :) good going, maybe loop the music though, and some more options (hard walls,bonus,obsticles hard mode ect.)
but still a nice game 5/5 10/10 :)

adam-adam responds:

Thanks :D

Simple but nice

Simple graphics, but nice music. Maybe woeking more on the grpahics? Anyway it really doesnt matter, cause I think it rocked :D

So simple yet so addicting

That was pretty good. I really liked the music. Good Game.

adam-adam responds:

Thank you,helbmukcihC.


Its not a bad version but does need something extra and twists A fun snake game here you do bring on a nice snake game and it's actually a fun one and it's nice seeing this old classic re surface now and then and is nice to see any additional changes to it as well so for me this was a fun snake game entry nice snake here



2 fusteratin' 2 addicting