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Reviews for "wrong=right"


I don't think your gonna get an answer to some of your questions anytime soon-philosophers have been asking questions like what is truth for thousands of years.

Nice job, anyways.

SheepVpower responds:

i dontk realy seek answers. i seek a way for people working together
despite there diferences.

but still. thanks for the kind words

All the reason

I understand what you are trying to say, I always think of that, and find no answer, becaue it don't have one.


Well, what is the meaning of this life?

Why are we here on earth?

What is the point of life if we just die, secreted back into the soil as carbon?

The truth is, LIFES A TEST.

God gave us life, he gave us morals, he gave us our families. What would the point of love in your mind and soul if it's not eternal.

You can't just switch things off.

There is an after life, otherwise whats the point of life?

Yes, the tender love of God is one lesson but there are others. Jesus also gave us a key to understanding grace when he said to the good thief; "Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise."

SheepVpower responds:

i am sorry for not realy responding to your review.but i would like to thank you for the 10/10 but i dont think i should discus someone believes.
but i do want to ask you one thing.
you sad that there's a point in life becouse there's an aftherlife(paradise)
would you keep on living IF you knew that there was no aftherlife?
would you find reason in this life and this world?

please send your reply in a PM. and pls say if its ok that i put it in my response under your name.

ps: glad you enjoyed it

At 3/15/08 6:26 PM, Bennyboy2008 wrote: Well good question.

Let us begin, well if there was no afterlife this life would not exist. It's like good and bad. Good can not exist without badness. It's like this in the after world.

However i understand where you are comign from, i don't think we are here just to die and never live on. It seems impossible.

It is a very difficult question to answer. I tried my best. But still would you kill ur self if u somehow fouund out there wasn't an after life? Nope, you'd enjoy it to the max.

However, i strongly disgree, our life has a meaning!

sheepvpower wrote:

i never sad our life dosnt have a meaning you mad it sound like your reason for living is to get into this paradice... (you sad: there is an afther life, what else is the point of living?)
what i did ask was if it would be ok to post your repons/PM other your name in my repons under your review. and what seems imposible can happen.. human kind proved this many times.
and i must say thatits pretty arrogant to say that only humans can life on when they die, wy are we so great that we can go to paradice and not animals who follow the laws given to them by nature. and keeping evrything in balance while we humans destroy and inballance everything we touch> the things, acourding to your believes god made.
and the only reason good cannot exist whithout bad is becouse people cant see good without knowing bad. good is nothing more than a word made up by people. you can say god is good.. but what does it mean... we life good becouse we follow god.. god is good.. hmmz. what does good mean then? following? doing things someone wrote down 2000 years ago? i would say a good deed is something that would benifit all people not only your the ones close to you not only the ones with the same believes. i dont think you should give up on your believes no one should.. but i do think people should do things in such a way it wil benifit all humans animals nature.. everything(acourding to you:the things god made) not living by something that someone rote down a long time ago that is twisted trough the years and changed trough word to word. what you can read today in the bible koran or any other religan book is problebly so changed over time it dosnt even resemble to what it met all those years ago.. the reason it changed can be discused.. i wont do that. but i do think it could change more.. in such a way everything would work toghter and that people wouldnt need to hope/believe that they would go to a paradice when the die. but that the world that we now live in would turn into a paradice.. BTW i think that is what is ment by, follow me(jezus) do the things that are told to you by your religon and you will come in a paradice. I think that they tried to guide people in not going to a paradice when they die. but making the world they live in to be a paradice...

thats why i sad that over time the words are changed and dont have there original meaning..
people should work together dispite there difences... whatch the remake all the way to the end. i hope you understand some of what i am trieing to tell you... becouse i sure dont.. i drank waaaaay to much... just had a party:)
ooh well... have a nice day
talk to later. and is it okay that i post your first PM in my respons to your review?

greatings sheepvpower aka hylie.

well you bloked me(bennyboy2008) so i thought i would just put my attempt to repond to your PM here. i wil probebly edit this when i am sober and all.

sorry your repons to this dosnt fitin here anymore no charthe

No bad

But we now want is good and want is bad, The Lord is the real truth, because following he we found the real happiness

An interesting idea

Everyone is diverse though, and I think it's ignorant in itself to generalize. But more or less you bring an interesting idea forward. With perhaps some more effects you could have presented it slightly more better (maybe some tweening on the words, some fading and ActionScript for a play button/end frame).

All in all, a definitely interesting animation, but unfortunately I don't believe this is something you should be asking NewGrounds' community.

SheepVpower responds:

i am trying to learn some flash. but was just thinking about a whole lot of thing.
i started typing and this is what came out.
spend more time on finding/downloading music then the id and the flash itself

and for the newgrounders part: why not ask them, to work together and have some fun on this site?