Newgrounds Background Image Theme

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Reviews for "Catapult Assault"

nice work

ok lets do it like this
sound 8 only a couple of sounds next time add more
graphicks 10 those wore some really nice graphicks :)
controlls 9 basic controls :(
animation 10 no problems here :)
overall 9 wau i thoght it was going to be lower about 7 or 8 :) but hey evrybody youre not fair too this great flash :D


That's not a 2.1 KB movie. More like... over 1 MB. Anyway, it's all right.

Was Enjoyable

You've made a pretty fun and addicting game, good job

Was pretty good but needed increased difficulty levels

Ehhh it wasn't to bad, but...

This game didn't really appeal to me. With the people dressed up in animal costumes it made the game feel very campy. The game felt too easy and felt like it was intended for children only. But the game wasn't too bad, the graphics were pretty good for a flash game and the sound effects were good too, but the lack of background music made me quit from boredom. I felt this game wasn't intended for newgrounds.