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Reviews for "Nintendo Story ep. 1"

funny funny funny

gustavos you have made a funny video. its me a- austin and i will be watching the rest of the series soon. ps i have made an account on newgrounds. keep on making cool video


you've really improved fast, one suggestion is to probably to cut some of the background noise when someones talking, another is to probably not put as much details in your hands, other than that, good job!

Gustavos responds:

Detail in hands? Well I fixed the look of the hands since I submitted this.

I improved a lot of things since I submitted this. Thanks for the reveiw.

Would have given a 10 but....

Luigi is my favorite character, killing him didn't seem necessary.
Gustavo could have been an entirely new character.
The animation was great and the voices sounded like the actual game character.

Gustavos responds:

Wouldn't it have been annoying if there were two Luigis? The only difference is one of them having a "G" instead of an "L" on the hat?

But don't sweat it. If you really like Luigi, you ought to see the next episode when I finish it. I have a big thing planned there for Mr. Gustavos.

lol...this one is funny

hehe one funny flash animation created by u amigo, interesting this one is good, I made my laugh while watching it, this one is okay I'll give it a grade of 7

Gustavos responds:

Future episodes will have around the same amount of this humor, but will also have outakes where I can really express my idiota brand of comedy.

Glad you liked it.


good movie, considering it was rushed. I can see the improvement aswell keep up your great efforts and youll be front paging in no time !

Gustavos responds:

I certainly hope I'm frontpaged at one point. But that's long from now. I'm just gonna make more episodes and see what happens. I simply thought you'd be interested in seeing my talents as of now. This movie was rushed because I needed it out before Brawl which would occupy me for several weeks...and it did.
