Well Done
Especially on the drums. Fantastic sound there.
Well Done
Especially on the drums. Fantastic sound there.
NAC Judge
Bonus points for having the coolest instrumentation out of all the entries I heard. Those are some realistic sounding strings and brass, I really dug them. The pounding "Hans Zimmer-esque" drums sound awesome, ANYTIME someone uses them. This implied many different speeds of the chase that we asked from the contestants. This mix sounds a bit muddy, was this due to the quality being lowered for your submission file? I feel like this should sound much more crisp. Even with said issues, your song sounded amazing, and you did well in following the contest criteria! 9.5
Film quality
I'm pretty amazed at how you did this piece. The quality after mastering and mixing just reminds me of film-level audio quality. The diversity of the tracks and the so very real and excellent-sounding samples is just amazing to me. The melody was amazing, and the entire track itself really set an atmosphere, making me feel something was up, and giving of some feeling of fear, or being desperate.
Great use of volume as well, as usual I can't remember the musical term for that. That really adds to the layer. Hans Zimmer should be calling you any minute now!
sounds like an army going into raccoon city.
Beautiful, from beginning to end, it had the Resident Evil feel from start to finish very well done!
Capcom will be proud.