your animation is excellent, but the zombie is rare, but it is a mix of a zombie Madness Combat 4 Madness Combat 3
your animation is excellent, but the zombie is rare, but it is a mix of a zombie Madness Combat 4 Madness Combat 3
It needs music. And the characters need feet. And lose the sounds when the main character walks.
ya, i know :( i just dont know how to make music go through all the scenes, and the feet thing...ummm i will inclued it if make another one.
thanks for your opnions
it helps you know
this is very good i fink should carry one the serius would be sweet =D
love the song DMX great song lol
hmm....was thinking out it but i have like 3 more projects need to do, and got to find a job to get a styles so i can make my art better like some the shorts i have been watching....
thanks for the score
ya dmx it cool
haha lol
he peed in his pants lol! i love madness it was ok a little short though and the credits are olmost unreadable you should do something bout that
Yeah it was ok, An Improvment on your last one.