i was trying to explain that warcraft 3 is the 3rd game in the line of warcraft but the fan boy lacked the knolige and reped to "your mum" or "in your face" every time his brain seemed to get that little bit more broken.
he told me that he had warcraft 1. so i sed that that game came out adges ago and even tho it had only 2 teems it was fun for its time. then the fan boy sed that it was 3d with all that flash stuff you get thees days.
i told him that he was talking about warcraft 3 but he sed "your mum" then sed he got the warcraft 2... i asked what its full name was and he sed" its frozen throne" ....... got all mighty........ i told him that was the addon for warcraft 3 and isent actualy a game in its self but a addon.
he just wanted to stay in his lil world and argu with me saying he is all wayz right and i am rong and so on. then when his frend came..... thay were both the same.. warcraft 3 was named that for a reson.... i think on the packet its warcraft III..... "III" thats romen for 3. you can never argu with a fanboy thay will allways think thay are right no matter what info there is.
like arguing with a brick wall thats part of a windo less and door less house. totaly pointless.
and thanks for the cool clip. it points out what i face every day. god i wish thay grow a brain and resurch things befor thay annoy me. .