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Reviews for "Base 17 ::03::"

Great job

My only problem is the volume of the music during certain parts of the dialogue, it made it a bit hard to understand sometimes. Other than that, fantastic work!


This is something im srsly gonna follow, why?
because it was a great flash, story, artwork, sound and voiceacting were perfect.

great job.


Its a great movie but the voices where hard to understand.You could put subtitles

Getting better

Character experssions (like amazment) need to be delivered more abruptly but not so artificially. Someone who doesn't know fear, who can't be sad or angry, can't really get surprised from hearing they're breaking out, even though he lost a friend.

Year 2105? We're more around year 2010 or something, didnt' find anything that technological so far. The backgrounds need to be worked on. The music is well chosen. You still need to work on animations, and trying to sync lip movement with the actual voice acting.

Deliver the plot a little better by making sure the voice actors undertand how the plot is progressing. Faces are perfect, but the bodies need to be improved a little bit. Smooth animation is still a bit rare in some parts of the anime. Keep it up though, you've done far better since Base 17.01

I already gave this a review on the VAC...

About the slight VAing difficulties, the sound quality, and the animation inconsistency 'caused by on and off work during production... But that won't stop me from giving you an encouraging review since I know that the next one will definitely show a jump in quality~ Looking forward to the next one!