a stinky pile of doodoo stupidhead dummy face
I'm giving you 10s so its ok if I say that
a stinky pile of doodoo stupidhead dummy face
I'm giving you 10s so its ok if I say that
I do like the logic, good game sir.
so i herd...
u liek mudkipz
Fuck yeah Seaking!
That was fab
Thankyou for your heartfelt and honest review.
lol good noob and FINALLY
All up in my bitches!
THat flash was the most loving piece of memorabilia that the world has ever seen even the mere thought of this flash brings a tear to thine eye which is quickly replaced by sand as i am barraged with sand in the face cause i think that this flash is awesome and oposers that think its gay kick sand in my face like lame heads. so i went on a quest not just and ordinary quest but an quest to find the best.......... thing in the universr that would make all people love this flash so i started out form camelot with gimli and legolas and me and frodo took our legs and ran all the way through the forbidden forest where we passed osama bin smokin and we said hi and he killed frodo ahhhhhhhhh frodo........ anyway me and draco kept on going until we made it out of the super mega forest of mega doom and we found ourselves on the edge of the most interesting lake in the world it was interesting for two reasons one it was covered in grass and two it wasnt a lake so we clambered down the lake side until we reached the sea bottom of the lake where we held hands and walked to the other side then draco started to come onto me so i go gimli and i DBZ fused them and then they both died cause i used a crippler crossface on their fused selves so it was just me and legolas now and we then decided to carry on with our splendid journey so we did until we came to the cave of the iron troll so it was dark as most caves usually are so i light legolas on fire and used him to light my way through the cave eventually we made it through and we found ourselves at the bootom of mount everest so i doused legolas in some snow and i done several backflips while legolas froze so i put him on my back and carried him up the rest of the hill but put him down at halfway a si couldnt be bothered carrying him. there at the top of the MT was the iron troll so i sweet chin musiced him so hard that he turned into a pistol so i started to walk back down the hill whan all of a sudden there was an avalanche so i quickly uncovered legolasels frozen body and rode him down the hill to safety. i then took the pistol that i made from troll and shot all the flash haters and your flash became the best in the world x 1000. and the moral of the story is that if you want to escape an avalanche then just ride lergolas down mount everest. and the other moral is thnis flash is wicked awesome so watch it heaps much. WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!