I keep forgetting
How great of an animator you are. This was short but excellent, with a bit of twisted genius worked within. Very nice.
I keep forgetting
How great of an animator you are. This was short but excellent, with a bit of twisted genius worked within. Very nice.
Come on people!
I don't know why this got such mixed reviews, it was a good animation, really good style, and yeah it was short, but so what? I bet half the people who complain about the length wouldn't be able to focus on this for 30 seconds without thier ADD kicking in. Anyway, great job dude, keep it up.
OH NO!!!
Great use of silhouette
Short and sweet. Great art style, great joke. I'm tired of people bitchin' about how short movies automatically can't be good and marking them down. I've got shit to do, if you can get to the point without killing minutes of my life I say more power to ya. This sir, is the George Foreman of Christmas cards. Way to knock out the fat.
Long Loading, Short Movie
the animation is nice, but its too short, maybe a minute long.
but it's okay. too random, but ok. but why do u have to kill santa, huh?
how am i gonna get the PS3 now!?
well its not like sony is selling out of them anytime soon or anything
hey you walked right into that one