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Reviews for "Awesome Dbz Fight!!!"

Awesome Dbz Fight!!!

this is awesome!!!!!!!!!!! i should get this more viewers! :D

loved it

great senseless violence!! fix looping though... thats always annoying. and is why you only got a 9 lol
5/5 nice can't wait for the next one (it'd be cool to see them all as one huge flash though lol)

pretty good =]

i rather liked this, fights were more or less smooth and i like how u added slight environment distruction.

was abit one sided but meh, good ol beat down still fun.

the music, well that particular song good for a slower pace, but when the action started. i fink a different, more energetic song would go very well.

the side scrolling view was a lil annoying, maybe differnet camera angles would do well. and maybe couple close ups on the faces, showing the mouth to give abit more depth to the characters.

but then again thats if u REALLY wanna go all out on making these things =P

dragonballGE responds:

tnx.by the way do u know how 2 make swf files smaller cause iv made a really sick animation(dragonball af episode 1)but i cant upload it cause its 84mb and the maximum is 10mb.

Good animation.

But whether or not you want me to cut myself and bleed out, Linkin Park was about as terrible a pick as you could make. Besides that, not bad at all.

Sick animation

This made me chuckle once because I remembered how in DBZ there would always be about 4 episodes of good guy beating on bad guy then the next 4 would be the bad guy beating up good guy and then 2 episodes of just a person powering up... In the end it doesn't even matter. hah

Anyway your animation is really well done. The Characters are just sticks though and there is no story, however your flash serves it's purpose well, and I think it's fully entertaining.

Nice touch adding a song.
Good job! Keep it up.