Woah. That was actually a pretty cool collab. :D
Woah. That was actually a pretty cool collab. :D
pokemon pivot!?!??! those faggots
aweshome the pivot i think is wat made this not get many views but ohwell
the pivot is okay i just wished ppl can be more original than doing POKEMON PIVOT D:<<<<
*gasp*!!!!!!!!! i've seen too much
i love mudkip i love mudkip i love mudkip i love mudkip i love mudkip i love mudkip i love mudkip i love mudkip i love mudkip i love mudkip i love mudkip i love mudkip i love mudkip i love mudkip i love mudkip i love mudkip
Quadruple assed, as we say in japan.
Y halo thar. This is the CEO of Nintendo speaking. You may know me from 4chan. I thought this was absolutely amazing. Although, in a collaboration, every part should have a storyline. I mean, c'mon, how else would you expect this to have gotten to be 4 hours in length? Violence can't just happen, that's why mothers of today don't want kids playing video games. You have to lead up to it, even if it's just a part for a collaboration which may range from 2 - 15 seconds.
But then again, just because i own nintendo and is the person who correlates everything in the video game industry doesn't mean i know dick about shit.
Hello. I work for pokemon team and is the person who correlates ALL the cut scenes. I have half an idea about making flashes.
come to japan animate for us