i really enjoyed this flash.. i thought the animation was smooth and went well with the music.. you did an great job
i really enjoyed this flash.. i thought the animation was smooth and went well with the music.. you did an great job
Absolutely stunning
I'm one of those odd people who feel sympathy for inanimate objects such as dolls, toys or even scarecrows...No idea why..just because they're quite human or helpless.
Glad the ending wasn't depressing, I've seen plenty of flashes that cop out and show us the "Harsh reality of life", but a hopeful ending like yours is far more realistic and promising.
A swedish flash artist that gets on the front page? Dare I say that this is the first time in the history of newgrounds? You should be named a national hero ;)
I was like w00t, Fågelskrämman? Isn't that a Swedish word?
The movie itself was awsome, nice fluent animation, music that fit the theme and setting, awsome coloration, also you managed to get some trätofflor in there... Wow.
I don't think it was the first time in history this happened:) In fact I know it wasn't the first time!
Thanks anyway dude!
jag gillade den och kommer nog att se fler av dans filmer.
why did so many rate down
by: akumanner
date: 1 hour ago
bra gjord också
(well Done)
Stupid scarecrows...always doing that...
I enjoyed watching this, it really made me think. I also reccomended this to the Serious Shorts section, and everybody else should too. Funny thing is, I didn't know about that collection until now. And while I was looking through the animations in that collection, I found a movie called "Tin Man", which resembled this flash in more ways than one...
Even so, this was original enough of an idea to get a 10, and the smooth animation didn't hurt matters either.