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Reviews for "Industrial Waste"


I Like Your Style

orange-peel responds:

I like your review.


My type of music. Excellent thick atmosphere here. Great rumbling glitchy chaos at the beginning, great sample.
Into the scratchy section with the chugging bass. Great gritty groove and it doesn't even have a beat yet.
The beat is ace when you drop it in, the hi-hats are very confrontational but it works. The high blips are clean and crisp so nice contrast there. Some very good fx and strange synth (possibly vocal) contortions behind the scenes.
Excellent track, just it seems later that the bass causes some compression issues and swamps the rhythm.
I look forward to your future works, if they're half as good as this I'll be stoked.

orange-peel responds:

Thanks for the comprehensive review. I will take what you said into consideration and check out that bass/compression issue:)
Thanks again.


hmm. nice. its pretty amusing how you made the sounds like that in this song. while i was listening to it, it reminded me of rats, other bugs, and a dumpster in the middle of a deserted street in Silent Hill. awesome.

A great first submission.

And a great song overall. It was pretty intense and very interesting to listen to.

p h a t
