Simple but Brilliant
Even though there's little to to I really like it. Not only do I like how it traces your name after but I really liked how just it zooms in and out and bobbles when you type your name in.
Simple but Brilliant
Even though there's little to to I really like it. Not only do I like how it traces your name after but I really liked how just it zooms in and out and bobbles when you type your name in.
Thanks :) !
More options
Very slick. Some font type and color options would be a great addition though.
Thanks! I will think about that.
Very cool animation...I liked how the viewer is able to determine what is spelled out. It's a really unique idea, but you should have added a replay button and several other effects - then i would've given it a much higher review.
The goal was to test the new powers Flash 9 gave me - so it's just one test effect. Perhaps I will in the future create a more comprehensive animation, with effects and options for them, as you suggest.
Simple, but pretty cool
This effect kept me distracted for roughly 10 minutes! Very nice indeed.
Thanks :) !
That was pretty good. Maybe if you added music and the ability to change the font or the stuff that creates the name (as in more than just leaves), it would be better. Also, this should probably be labelled as a game, rather than a movie.
I didn't label it as a game because it isn't really interactive. I didn't want to mislead people. But, as you're pointing out, it's not really a movie either... hard choice, eh.