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Reviews for "Deadpile Rampage"

this was already done

this was already done in a way better way.


i wanted to give this game a better score but it got to boring. plus its really slow.

I guess it was ok...

It was a good distraction for a few minutes, but the difficulty to get a focused pile of corpses paired with the annoying gunmen killed what good it might have been. It's difficult enough to pile corpses in one area while avoiding large amounts of unarmed people, but when they can just shoot you from far away with, say, fifty guys between you and them, then it's annoying. Not to mention the concept isn't very original... so you get a 4 on the review and a 2 on the other score thing. I hope for better things in the future.

My thoughts

Very fun, a little hard and "slow" because you cant get your body piled high enough, and i think i figured out why, the screen is so large that its hard to get them focused in one area and when they die the eniemies sometimes fly a quarter of the way and then off the screen. Either way still wicked fun

cool but.

not enuff guns. health stops coming, and when the gunners are on fire, they can still accurately hit you, even though the gun is spinning around.