i dont even know what to say about this vid it seems your making fun of the sasuke character but hey its your right and this vid is badly made in my opinon but it is also your first flash soo ill say its verey good for your first
i dont even know what to say about this vid it seems your making fun of the sasuke character but hey its your right and this vid is badly made in my opinon but it is also your first flash soo ill say its verey good for your first
For Your First One Its Good I Guess Thats Really All I Can Say Since My One Is Rubbish.Please Check It Out
I Would Really Appreachiate It =]
I hate the song and the anime so you get a 10
congratz guy!
good start
most first videos usually suck in either idea or quality. Your idea was good, and better quality will come with practice.
as for the "storyline", that would have to be the second worst audition I've seen, the #1 worst was the guy that worked in the chicken factory and sang "Barbie Girl"
that was hilarous but you need to work on the character more hes to pixelized.
- Fallflag