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Reviews for "You Only Live Once"


This was something...


i had to close it so i never rilly even played lol
sumeone said sumetin bout denyin it access how do i do that0.o
or can i still do that once ive already played?

oh and im not sure how to rate dis lol



Interesting concept.

But as people say, this is more of a...Event, i suppose, more than a game. Im not sure if you can go ahead but i've tried it and failed obviously. But yeah, it looked alright, played a little clunky. Concept of only getting one life was a new thing i suppose, instead of going back to the start..Well, that was it. Points for that.

Well done.

Troublesome little game..

The game can be replayed by denying it permission to store data on your computer, but it's a bit of a bother replaying a rather mediocre platformer just to get to the alternate ending, which for all I know may not exist. There could be some impossible spot that always throws you into spikes or something. I might keep trying later if I feel like it.