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Reviews for "Hover Board"

Good game

My only problems with it are the repetitive music (although it does go well with the game itself I suppose) and that the board sometimes gets stuck on walls. All in all a pretty good game though =oD


this game is pretty good overall, but maybe u should work on graphics...

"it needs some work"

Well in all honesty I must say, the game needs some work.

I noticed quite a lot while I was playing this game that my hover board would get stuck, but these are such minor problems.

I did not like the fact that you used "wasd" as well as the arrow keys to move,

try something like this,

maybe the avatar should be moved with "wasd" and the hover board possibly a point and click?


perhaps the levels should be more thought out? I mean each level consisted of one page, perhaps adding more graphics to create a side scroller type theme would do great here,


these would be nice, they would give the player a sense of reward,

perhaps the hover board can only hover at a certain height, or maybe there is a timed fuel theme,


I thought the backgrounds were mood setting you did well on that. as well as the informative text, and items


point n click sounds bad :P.. i liked the game but yes it was buggy.. i spent about 20 minutes on the lvl with the dissapearing blocks and i couldnot get him to drop below the spikes even tho he was right n the center of the 2 -.-


I completed all the tests,wheres teh real mission lolz