Pretty good
interesting concept, but kinda bland and gets old kinda fast.
Pretty good
interesting concept, but kinda bland and gets old kinda fast.
Stick games
It is like the rest of the stick games i ever played.............entertaining and fun(for only so long)
Nice Job
tough, sorta fun, a 5-minute activity
that pretty much sums it up.
by the way, i call this "a tight spot"
my23=120&mx23=65&my22=120&mx22=70&my2 1=110&mx21=75&my20=90&mx20=75&my19=40 &mx19=65&my18=30&mx18=60&my17=40&mx17 =60&my16=50&mx16=70&my15=120&mx15=50&
my14=120&mx14=55&my13=130&mx13=65&my1 2=140&mx12=75&my11=120&mx11=70&my10=6 0&mx10=65&my9=40&mx9=60&my8=110&mx8=5 5&my7=110&mx7=75&my6=90&mx6=55&my5=90 &mx5=80&my4=40&mx4=55&my3=40&mx3=80&m y2=170&mx2=75&my1=170&mx1=55&by24=90&
90&by21=10&bx21=90&by20=10&bx20=10&by 19=40&bx19=10&by18=70&bx18=10&by17=11 0&bx17=10&by16=100&bx16=10&by15=140&b x15=10&by14=110&bx14=90&by13=140&bx13 =90&by12=170&bx12=90&by11=170&bx11=10 &by10=200&bx10=20&by9=200&bx9=60&by8=
230&bx8=60&by7=260&bx7=60&by6=290&bx6 =60&by5=320&bx5=60&by4=230&bx4=20&by3 =260&bx3=20&by2=290&bx2=20&by1=320&bx 1=20&men=23&blocks=24&levname=user%5F level1
Possible, and i did it in 2 shots.
like the does get repetitive...but i wasted alotta time so.....its worth the try
Fun concept...
...But it does get a lil' too repetive after awhile.
I also like the music of the game.