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Reviews for "Ricochet Kills"

Pretty good

interesting concept, but kinda bland and gets old kinda fast.

Stick games

It is like the rest of the stick games i ever played.............entertaining and fun(for only so long)

Nice Job

tough, sorta fun, a 5-minute activity

that pretty much sums it up.

by the way, i call this "a tight spot"

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my14=120&mx14=55&my13=130&mx13=65&my1 2=140&mx12=75&my11=120&mx11=70&my10=6 0&mx10=65&my9=40&mx9=60&my8=110&mx8=5 5&my7=110&mx7=75&my6=90&mx6=55&my5=90 &mx5=80&my4=40&mx4=55&my3=40&mx3=80&m y2=170&mx2=75&my1=170&mx1=55&by24=90&
90&by21=10&bx21=90&by20=10&bx20=10&by 19=40&bx19=10&by18=70&bx18=10&by17=11 0&bx17=10&by16=100&bx16=10&by15=140&b x15=10&by14=110&bx14=90&by13=140&bx13 =90&by12=170&bx12=90&by11=170&bx11=10 &by10=200&bx10=20&by9=200&bx9=60&by8=
230&bx8=60&by7=260&bx7=60&by6=290&bx6 =60&by5=320&bx5=60&by4=230&bx4=20&by3 =260&bx3=20&by2=290&bx2=20&by1=320&bx 1=20&men=23&blocks=24&levname=user%5F level1

Possible, and i did it in 2 shots.


like the rest...it does get repetitive...but i wasted alotta time so.....its worth the try

Fun concept...

...But it does get a lil' too repetive after awhile.
I also like the music of the game.