That was awesome.
I was just kinda dissapointed.
The boobies joke kinda got my spirits up.
That was awesome.
I was just kinda dissapointed.
The boobies joke kinda got my spirits up.
Powerups rule!
And contrary to what the 8-bit pwny club says, they are all healthy! :p
Funny and interesting. Its only too bad you did a top 5 insted a top 10 cause i found it a bit short. NOT MORTY PACMAN!!!
good job
great video weeble and like hystaria said this series has potential and is original
The guy under me has no sense of humor and no good judgment, he obviously didn't comprehend that just because this didn't entertain him, doesn't mean you should get a bad score, He did understand that you put a lot of work into this(and failed to follow-up) and that's what counts, so good job.