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Reviews for "my ipod nano"

Got a good chuckle out of me.

It's okay, pretty funny too. :3 the art is pretty good, story behind it was quite excellent *Jonas brothers suck*, and the explosions just made it awesome. 83

the only thing is its being soundless. other than that, i'll give it 6/10, 3/5. ;3

Simple, a little too simple

Interesting simple drawings that show you have some good drawing ability. It appears this is based on a true account, and the addition of some audio would of made this a bit more impactful.


really funny. I know you were just practicing, but really made me laugh :D

Would've been cool to hear some voices or sound of some sort, but cool none the less!

the horror

so scared that someone might break my ipod.
that why i need to buy a gun fast

broke my heart

the pour thing didnt know what was going to happen to it before she donloaded the joe bro song onto it