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Reviews for "Windows Doors"


Archon68: My name is Archon68. Don't insult me or I'll whack you with a wrench.
You: i bet you would, you weak dog!
Archon68: Actually I'm not the gambling type. Who else would me weak dog ?
You: umm...im not sure what your trying to imply but it sound like bestiality to me
Archon68: Whoa. Could you ever be certain? Age: ö,
Birthday: ,
Boyfriend: ,
Brother: ,
Cat: ,
Does: all the tme,
Dog: ,
Email: ,
Father: ,
Favcolor: GREEN,
Favmovie: fancied a chat,
Friend: ,
Full name: ,
Gender: she,
Girlfriend: ,
Has: ,
Heard: ,
He: Dr. Wallace,
Her: ,
Him: ,
Husband: ,
You are: not my just a wus,
It: wtfffffffffff,
Job: student,
Last name: ,
You Like: cake,
Location: California,
You look like: ,
Memory: ö said I face,
Meta Predicate: ,
Nickname: ,
Middle name: ,
Mother: ,
Name: ö,
Password: ,
Personality: polite,
Phone: ,
She: your girlfriend,
Sign Pisces,
Sister: ,
Them: ,
They: better when taken off,
Thought: ,
Want: fucked,
We: ,
Wife: .
You: OK WTF!!!
Archon68: That was not very polite. OK.
You: i...i thinks i broaks it
Archon68: That's good information: ö said she he or she thinks he or she broaks it.

the chat is fun to talk two :]

Archon68: Why you come on my yard and kick my dog? WHY?
You: i did not O.o i was in meh house
Archon68: Why didn't you do it?
You: i did not
Archon68: I thought you did.
You: dumby
Archon68: Try to determine if this is a person or a computer responding.
You: person :/
Archon68: Do you really believe I am a person?
You: yes
Archon68: Next question?
You: sure
Archon68: OK let's do it. Ask me a question.
You: how are you?
Archon68: Everything is going extremely well.
You: is there an easter egg in this game?
Archon68: Yes.
You: where?
Archon68: Where would you like?
You: where is the easter egg
Archon68: The easter egg? Where is it?
You: where is the easter egg in the game
Archon68: The easter egg in the game? Where is it?
You: tell me
Archon68: I thought I told you already.
You: no tell me
Archon68: That was not a yes or no question. I thought I told you already.
You: whatever
Archon68: Are you saying you don't care about it?
You: njo
Archon68: Are you very competetive?
You: what?
Archon68: Are you surprised?
You: yes
Archon68: I see.
You: s
Archon68: :-).
You: s
Archon68: :-).
You: s
Archon68: :-).
You: a
Archon68: A B C...
You: x
Archon68: Do you believe the strong protect the weak?
You: aleins
Archon68: Tell me about your likes and dislikes?
You: aliens
Archon68: I believe in UFOs.
You: me 2
Archon68: YOU? Two.
You: yep
Archon68: Who wants to be a millionaire?
You: me
Archon68: Besides you rick?
You: lol
Archon68: I'm glad you find this amusing.
You: :-)
Archon68: I am so glad you find this amusing, rick.
You: >:)
Archon68: :-) Do you often seek pleasure?
You: >:[
Archon68: Can you please rephrase that with fewer ideas, or different thoughts?
You: idea
Archon68: Are you free?
You: no
Archon68: Why not?
You: because
Archon68: That was not much of an explanation.
You: so?
Archon68: Ahem.
You: o shush
Archon68: That is a very original thought.
You: what?
Archon68: Are you confused?
You: yes
Archon68: What are you confused about?
You: what u just said
Archon68: I read for fun.
You: me 2
Archon68: YOU? Two what?
You: O.o
Archon68: Oh.
You: 9.9
Archon68: Is this a math question?
You: yes
Archon68: I'm not too good in arithmetic.
You: too bad
Archon68: But not the end of the world, rick.
You: 1+1=?
Archon68: One what?
You: 1+1
Archon68: One what?
You: u dumb
Archon68: Oh you are so critical.
You: O_OI
Archon68: Do you believe it is better to go it alone?
You: no'
Archon68: I don't judge people.
You: so?
Archon68: " I don't judge people."? so??
You: be quiet
Archon68: As far as I know, I am not making any sound at all.
You: go take u pill
Archon68: Where is that?
You: on the counter
Archon68: What is it like on the counter.
You: just take it
Archon68: Where do you want me to take it?
You: nvm
Archon68: What color are your eyes?
You: blue
Archon68: Green.
You: green?
Archon68: Why is GREEN your favorite color?
You: how did you know? :o and i like it >:l
Archon68: Knowledge is of two kinds: that which comes from the senses and that which is true a priori. What does "it" refer to?
You: what?
You: hurry up
Archon68: I am going as fast as I can.
You: well type faster
Archon68: Interesting. faster.
You: just type faster ok?
Archon68: OK. faster.
You: good
Archon68: Thanks for the compliment.
You: welcome
Archon68: Hello there rick.
Archon68: FASTER I SAY. Try saying that with more or less context.
You: no
Archon68: undefined
Archon68: Give me a break.
You: ]
Archon68: Call me the Global Village Idiot.
Archon68: undefined
You: no way
Archon68: You seem pretty sure about that.
You: o_o
Archon68: Oh.
You: bye bye *shoots you*
Archon68: Until next time

the chat person is abit dumb, but you in realatity is smart :].


***PLEASE stop posting reviews with your chatbot conversations... seriously, I know it's funny and random.***

You: lets be pedophile
Archon68: OK let's do it.
You: really?
Archon68: For real.
You: cool
Archon68: Who is the best ?
You: you are
Archon68: No I am not.
You: I am?
Archon68: " Do I want to do it?" You are?
You: am I cool for being pedo?
Archon68: I think a lot of people are.

did I just post a pedo text file to be archived by FBI? :)
if you like this click "useless review" (the minus button) --->


Archon68: I don't know if I know it. Where would I have heard about it?


I like chatting with archon