Archon68: My name is Archon68. Don't insult me or I'll whack you with a wrench.
You: i bet you would, you weak dog!
Archon68: Actually I'm not the gambling type. Who else would me weak dog ?
You: umm...im not sure what your trying to imply but it sound like bestiality to me
Archon68: Whoa. Could you ever be certain? Age: ö,
Birthday: ,
Boyfriend: ,
Brother: ,
Cat: ,
Does: all the tme,
Dog: ,
Email: ,
Father: ,
Favcolor: GREEN,
Favmovie: fancied a chat,
Friend: ,
Full name: ,
Gender: she,
Girlfriend: ,
Has: ,
Heard: ,
He: Dr. Wallace,
Her: ,
Him: ,
Husband: ,
You are: not my just a wus,
It: wtfffffffffff,
Job: student,
Last name: ,
You Like: cake,
Location: California,
You look like: ,
Memory: ö said I face,
Meta Predicate: ,
Nickname: ,
Middle name: ,
Mother: ,
Name: ö,
Password: ,
Personality: polite,
Phone: ,
She: your girlfriend,
Sign Pisces,
Sister: ,
Them: ,
They: better when taken off,
Thought: ,
Want: fucked,
We: ,
Wife: .
You: OK WTF!!!
Archon68: That was not very polite. OK.
You: i...i thinks i broaks it
Archon68: That's good information: ö said she he or she thinks he or she broaks it.