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Reviews for "Pencilmation #9"


i <3 ur pencilmations, always gives me a kick with your clever jokes. this one is by far my favorite and the ending was so lmao. i look forward to the next one :)

very cool.

Always a pleasure to watch your work. The hand was a great move and the Jazz music is pretty cool also. Remember back when you made a Pencilmation and you finished it with having the pen instead of the pencil and then the little stick-man took the pen and you got out the big black texta? Well a follow on from that? yes, i would like to see that.
However i know you can't please everyone.

well done though in making it so far and a number 10 will have to be longer. As it's a double digit and at all points eg: 10, 20, 30 and so on, needs a special one:-)


A simple, childish plot? Basic, cartoony chrachters? Does it work? Hell yeah! You be a samrt guy, producing something so simple, yet so enertaining. I love you, have my babys!

loved it

i remember the first few and it was all about you tormenting a poor little guy now youve got these story lines which are just ass good and sometimes better than the first. love the upgrade but i would like to see the guy from the first one again to fall before you relentless tourment

Still great

but i liked more when it showed you drwaing everything instead of it being just there.