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Reviews for "Zhip"


I really loved the art style here, and though simplistic, it was a fun game. If you were to incorporate some other game mechanics (different lasers, perhaps some more enemies,) along with music you'd have a nice solid game. Regardless, for a first this is excellent.

has potential

Game needs some sound and color to make it stand out. Other then that it seems alright so far.

Good potential.

This game has a good potential, you got the basics and the decent graphics, but you'll need to make some improvements for it to ever have a score over 3.00.
First of all, add the loader scene.
Second, insert quick instructions as of what the cubes are for and what the big ships are.
Some sound effects for shooting and being hit and acquiring cubes would be great.
Make several levels. Maybe distinguish the player's ship in color from the rest of the background.

This is just some advice. I gave the submission a passing score, good luck.


It visual style is quite nice, and it works well, but the lack of music or even main menu lets it down. It also isn't complete.

good start to your first :P

well i di say it is a interesting game :P one thing i noticed was the big ships didnt seem to deal collision damage and dont explode when their are distroyed also, i found their were no instructions on how to play the game :P its ok for a first and i hope u will refine your work s u move on with this game :P
