i dont need to say it was bad, do i?
i actually gave it a 1 while it was still under judgment....happy for you it made frontpage though. But we both know it isnt really frontpageworthy, now dont we?
Don't rant about stress, if this gives u stress, how bad would the other flash artists be stressing? Don't mind me though, i'm not a flash artist, who knowz, i might stress my arse off too...(why'd u stress anyway, a deadline perhaps?)
It might not be thàt bad, its just not right that its on the frontpage now. And with 600 of 616 people saying its a bad clip, u might just try believing it IZ a bad clip, without excuses. U might want to get anti-stresspills for when ull make ur next flash, it might turn out better than.
And i seriously hope u Will take anti-stresspills if that makes u animate better..
I'll just leave it to that. thank u for reading and voting this review useless.
Ow, and ill give u a 4, since as said, it wasnt thàt bad. You just need ur pills.