Pretty good, I guess
The zombies are too weak, though. You could make them a bit stronger, if a zombie infection broke loose, and the zombies were like this, I'd be pretty B.A.
im planing to make it a much larger game so il think about that when working on some later levels,
health and money
awesome game except... what is the money for and where are the health pick-ups?
well the money is only there because im planing to make a larger vr of the game including gun upgrades and such. as for the health i just thought the games not large enough yet to realy need it.
need work
your hands and crow bar dont work,if you go off the screen your stuck, i believe the m16 or m4 dosnt work,zombies dont hurt you but bats do? other than that this would be a good game like White-Knight
Thank you for the feedback im looking into theese problems now and just to note that some of theese problems are only in that one building. I have already fixed some of theese problems and will update soon.
as of now i beleive i fixed all but the hand/gernade
Nice try, but...
The graphics suck and it is really buggy, but I like the idea. Keep working on it, and post it if it's finished. Or that's all you can do? :D
acualy this wasent evan intended to be the finished product i just dident feel like test playing it thus far and iv fixed alot of the bugs but for some reason i cant get it to fucking update.