Random comedy warriors...
Absolutely have big guns!! :)
Random comedy warriors...
Absolutely have big guns!! :)
Dow: 40k parody + epic song = epic win!
8====D all the way to the bank
I watched this, laughed, pulled an odd face then laughed some more XD seriously what the hell was going on?
Watch Dawn of Awesome 1 and 2 and it will still make little to no sense!
Yeah, this is all happening
Another hero dies for the Imperium.
You managed to use "Requiem for a Dream" quite admirably, it being one of the most overused themes in human History. The first chords are certain to induce Warp-spasms in even the most devout of His servants, and yet it blends seamlessly.
The Newgrounds logo is also a nice touch, giving additional value to a most lamentable effort, but you already knew I was going to say that.
Such lassitude is inexcusable. Repent, that you may see the mercy of a quick and almost painless death.
And post the fucking 4th part already!
(what are you afraid of? We got clocks here, for fuckssakes!)
Spam is the servant of the righteous
*posts Dawn of Awesome 4*