Best movie ever!
If God asked me if I wanted eternal happiness, or another viewing of this movie, I'd hesitate, then I'd watch the movie.
Best movie ever!
If God asked me if I wanted eternal happiness, or another viewing of this movie, I'd hesitate, then I'd watch the movie.
woohoo killing!
Great movie, awesome song, killing osama. the three things that made this movie great. I reccomend that you redo this movie without sound, with stick figures, and a lot of shape tweening, jk.
pretty good
pretty funny. Would've been better with some voices instead of tryin to read that small ass text. But good original idea.
pretty funny
it was pretty funny. it looks like you're new to flash, or maybe it's just your style. if you're going to just cut off the limbs and rotate them, you should patch up the places where there are cracks or holes. best way to do it would be to not cut the limbs, but hey that's just my opinion.
Hmmm... He really looks nothing like Bush. Well, I thought it was suck in the beginning, but it was rather funny once it really got started. You should really submit more. Nice choices for the different endings.