Wonderfully strange XD
Tho the ass close up really scared me O.o
Is that some one impersonating him or did he actually say that?
Dont remember that ont he apprentice xD
Wonderfully strange XD
Tho the ass close up really scared me O.o
Is that some one impersonating him or did he actually say that?
Dont remember that ont he apprentice xD
He's really saying it but it's a remix (Cassetteboy on Youtube just mashed up the Apprentice clips, you should watch the full video it's amazing!!!! http://www.youtube.com/wa tch?v=Yxi6QDwQyLU&feature =&p=58E1DC54034F82C9&inde x=0&playnext=1 )
Uhm... Well...
I give a seven, but only as a combination of pity, and potential. It could be so much more. If only you dealt with the bobbing head, the bad arse-close-up, etc. Little things, but lost of them.
Otherwise, it has some humorous potential, particularly the audio. But even then... Casseteboy...
Thanks I'll work on the bobbing head, I know the arms are a little stiff as well.
i love this clip of youtube but you got it playing too many times over each play!
sort it out n then itll be funny
thanks for letting me know, I fixed the sound :)
WOOOOOOO! Can you guess which member I am?
OT: The animation, while better than what I can do needs work. The head bobbing has been mentioned time and time again, so I'm gonna mention it again. WHY. DOES. THE. HEAD. BOB? Seriously, it needs a little more work before you release it again.
to many things wrong
The walking animation seems realy bad and unnatural. is he some kind of weird crablike creature?
the head constantly bobs the same animation, not very lifelike is it?
why does the unicycle keeps spinning?
the sound seems to abrupt in the begining and stops somewhere in a sentence and immidietly stars the next sentence. i coulden't make out what was being said when that happened.
i quote "some electronic item" and a mouse and xbox controllet get out. not only should it be 1 thing, but probaly something a bit more technical but less known? ( some kind of weird gadget perhaps ).
i quote "1 of my video machines" and then he poops out a computer. should either be a console now or something like a dvd recorder or VCR even.
i quote "600 pounds of a fish" and then there's a tiny thing that barely resembles a fish with 600 on it.
The animation doesen't has an end and keeps going on forever.
i quote "4 lolipops" yet there's only 1
if you make something, please be persistant and at least keep the simple details right.