5|/\|337! (SWEET!)
C00|_94|\/|3 |)|_||33! (Cool game dude!)
5|/\|337! (SWEET!)
C00|_94|\/|3 |)|_||33! (Cool game dude!)
Hey, awesome work.
1337 form:
|-|3'/! 7|-|15 5|_||3|\/|15510|\| |/\|45 7074|_|_'/ |<00|_! 1 |_0\/3|) 17! 7|-|4|\||<5 ƒ0|2 54'/1|\|9 7|-|3 "0|2191|\|" 0ƒ 1337 ƒ0|2 |\/|3. 1 |-|4|) |\|0 1|)34. 4|\||) '/0|_| 50|_||\||) |°|2377'/ 0|_|)-5C|-|00|_. |/\||-|1C|-| 15 4|/\|350|\/|3. 1 |337 '/0|_| |°|_4'/ 5|_||°3|2 |\|1|\|73|\||)0, |)0|\|'7 '/0|_|? |-|3'/ |)0|\|'7 |/\|0|2|2'/. 1 |)0 700. :|)
Real People language:
Hey! This submission was totally KOOL! I loved it! Thanks for saying the "origin" of 1337 for me. I had no idea. And you sound pretty old-school. Which is awesome. I bet you play super nintendo, don't you? Hey don't worry. I do too. :D
17 15 4 900|) 7|24|\|5|_470|2. |3|_|7 17 |_4C|<5 4 |23\/3|253 7|24|\|5|_470|2. '/0|_| C4|\|'7 C0|\|\/3|27 1337 70 3|\|9|_15|-|, %u01920|2 7|-|053 7|-|47 C4|\|'7 |_||\||)3|2574|\||). 07|-|3|2|/\|153, 17 |/\|45 900|) 94|\/|3. 1337 15 |\/|'/ |°|_||2|°053.
this is pretty cool but how do you make the f?
1 |/\|4|\||\|4 7|24|\|5|_473 |_337 70 3|\|9|_15|-|
1 |/\|4|\||\|4 7|24|\|5|_473 |_337 70 3|\|9|_15|-|